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File Created: 21-Jan-2022 by Del Ferguson (DF)
Last Edit:  24-Jan-2022 by Del Ferguson (DF)

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Name TN SLIDE Mining Division Alberni
BCGS Map 092F022
Status Showing NTS Map 092F04E
Latitude 049º 12' 42'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 125º 37' 50'' Northing 5454316
Easting 308413
Commodities Copper, Nickel, Cobalt, Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium, Manganese Deposit Types M01 : Flood Basalt-Associated Ni-Cu
Tectonic Belt Insular Terrane Wrangell
Capsule Geology

The TN SLIDE showing is situated at the toe of a landslide and along the northwest shoreline of Tofino Inlet, approximately 20.5 kilometres east-northeast of Tofino, B.C. The showing, discovered in 2012, is within the Deer Bay property, approximately 800 m south of TOFINO NICKEL (092F 026).

In 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2017 Arnex Resources Ltd. completed programs of geological mapping and geochemical sampling on their Deer Bay property, focusing on the toe of a landslide approximately 800 m south of the Tofino Nickel prospect. Anomalous values in Cu, Ni and Co were obtained in landslide boulders and in outcrop along the inlet shoreline. Mapping in 2017 delineated exposures along the shoreline of West Coast Complex felsic gneiss and minor amphibolite and mafic volcanic rocks of the Sicker Group. General strike of the metamorphosed package is northwest, dipping steeply to moderately to the southwest.

Rock chip sampling of landslide boulders in 2012 returned highlights of 0.042 to 0.074 per cent Cu, 0.036 per cent Ni and 0.033 per cent Co; in 2014 returned highlights of 0.46 to 0.70 per cent Cu, 0.035 to 0.047 per cent Co and 0.18 to 0.20 per cent Mn; in 2016 returned highlights of 0.13 to 10.46 per cent Cu, 0.13 to 1.63 per cent Ni and 0.13 per cent Co; in 2017 returned highlights of 0.03 to 0.046 per cent Cu, 0.008 to 0.075 per cent Ni and 0.014 to 0.022 per cent Co.

EM GEOFILE 2000-2, 2000-5
EMPR AR 1898-1133; 1899-792; 1905-212; 1910-152; 1916-232, 233, 362; 1917-292; 1918-264; 1919-198; 1921-212, 213; 1922-231; 1926-302; 1927-344; 1928-371,372; 1930-293, 294; 1955-78; 1961-104; 1962-111; *1963-111-116; 1966-74; 1967-75
EMPR EXPL 1984-161; 1985-C147; 1986-C170; 1987-C144; 1988-C84
EMPR FIELDWORK 1988, pp. 61-74
EMPR GEM 1972-265; 1973-230,231; 1974-174,175
EMPR OF 1988-28, p. 61
EMPR PF (Prospectus: Stag Explorations Ltd., Dec.7, 1988 (in 092F 022 file); Executive Summary of the Deer Bay (Tofino Nickel) Property, Arnex Resources Ltd., March 2001; Adamson, R.S. (1988): Summary Report on the Deer Bay Property for Stag Explorations Ltd.; Prospectors Report 2000-16 by Arne Birkeland)
GSC MAP 17-1968; 1386A
GSC OF 463
GSC P 68-50, p. 38; 72-44; 79-30
CJES Vol.24, No.10, 1987, pp. 2047-2064
Carson, D.J.T. (1968): Metallogenic Study of Vancouver Island with Emphasis on the Relationships of Mineral Deposits to Plutonic Rocks, Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, Carleton University
Hudson, R. (1997): A Field Guide to Gold, Gemstone & Mineral Sites of British Columbia, Vol. 1: Vancouver Island, p. 143
Isachsen, C. (1984): Geology, Geochemistry and Geochronology of the Westcoast Crystalline Complex and Related Rocks, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, M.Sc. Thesis, University of British Columbia